UMC Affiliated to Tribhuvan University

Non Teaching Staff

S.nNameSexDesignationNature of Contract
1Mr. Rudra Bahadur DhimalMAccountantFull time contract
2Mr. Chakra KhadkaMAsst. AccountantContract
3Mr. Prakash ShresthaMExam Asst.Permanent
4Mrs. Ranju KhatiwadaFOffice Asst.Full time contract
5Mr. Manoj Kumar TimsinaMOffice Asst.Full time contract
6Mr. Ramesh DhakalMLibrary Asst.Full time contract
7Mr. Nischal ThapaMExam Asst.Full time contract
8Mrs. Januka ParajuliFLibrary Asst.Permanent
9Mr. Chhabilal KatuwalMBus DriverPermanent
10Mr. Rajkumar DahalMBus DriverFull time contract
11Mr. Anil Kumar KarkiMSecurity GuardPermanent
12Mr. Bhim Bahadur KarkiMOffice HelperPermanent
13Miss. Menuka DahalFGardenerPermanent
14Mrs. Sarita MallikFCleanerContract