UMC Affiliated to Tribhuvan University

MA (Rural Development)

Master in Rural development  Program was affiliated by Tribhuvan University from the academic year 2064/65 BS.Any candidates having at least bachelor degree or above from any discipline from Tribhuvan University or any recognized Universities will be eligible to participate in the program.  In the academic year about 150 students are studying in this academic program.The  major  subjects that are taught in this Academic program is as follows:

Curricular structure of Rural Development First year:

  1. Development Theories and Planning (in Rural Perspectives)
  2. Rural Development: Policies and Strategies
  3. Rural Urban Linkage
  4. Social and Cultural Dimensions in Rural Development
  5. Research Methodology and Statistical Methods
  6. Local Governance and Political Economy of Nepal

Curricular structure of Rural Development Second year:

  1. RD – 536A : Rural Marketing and Entrepreneurship Development
  2. RD – 537 : Sustainable Rural Development
  3. RD – 538 A : Rural Tourism
  4. RD – 539-1 : Agriculture and Rural Development
  5. RD – 539-2A : Cooperative Development
  6. RD – 539-3 : Natural Resource Management
  7. RD – 536 B : Rural Community Development
  8. RD – 538 B : Rural Technology and Skill Development
  9. RD – 539-2 : Gender and Development